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Bidding And Sales Contract Template Helps You.

2016/4/21 22:58:00 43

BiddingSales ContractsTemplates

Contract No: No.

Tenderer: the company is in charge.

Address: "the", "the", "the" and "the".

Zip code:

Tel: I am, I am, I am.

Party B: the company is in charge.

Address: "the", "the", "the" and "the".

Zip code:

Tel: I am, I am, I am.


Address: "the", "the", "the" and "the".

Zip code:

Tel: I am, I am, I am.

Party B: the company is in charge.

Address: "the", "the", "the" and "the".

Zip code:

Tel: I am, I am, I am.

The first is the China a company, which invites qualified tenderers to provide sealed tenders to provide labor, materials, equipment or services required for the completion of the contract project.

The second first qualified bidder will be able to obtain the tender documents after paying the US dollar (or RMB) and submit the written application.

Third each tender must be accompanied by a tender guarantee, and shall not be submitted to a company no later than the time limit.

Fourth all tender documents will be publicly opened to the tenderers' representatives at the time of the meeting.

Fifth, if a qualified foreign bidder wishes to form a joint venture with a domestic contractor in China, he must make a request 30 days before the deadline.

The sixth pre conference will be held at the time of the meeting.

Seventh deadline for submission of tender documents

1. the tender should be sent to the a company at the above address in the year of the year of the year.

2. the tenderer may extend the deadline for submitting tenders, but at least seven days before the original deadline, all eligible tenderers who have already obtained the tender documents shall be notified by telex or telegraph.

Under such circumstances, the rights and obligations of tenderers and tenderers are extended to the end of the new period under all original deadlines.

Summary of the eighth items (according to specific circumstances)

Ninth sources of funds (according to specific circumstances)

Tenth capital requirements

1. all goods and services under this contract shall come from eligible tenderers.

All expenses under this contract are limited to the payment of such goods and services.

2. the origin of goods and services differs from the nationality of the tenderer.

3. in order to prove that he is eligible to win the tender, the tenderer shall provide the tenderer with the certificate specified in 1 and guarantee the effective execution of the contract.

To this end, the tenderer may ask the tenderer to update the qualification documents previously provided before he announces the successful bidder.

The materials provided by the tenderer shall include:

(1) duplicate copy of the legal status certificate, the place of registration and the main place of operation.

If it is a joint venture, the material of the joint venture shall be provided.

(2) provide the qualification and experience evidence of the principal contract executor.

(3) fill in the equipment needed to carry out the contract plan.

(4) fill in the potential subcontractors.

(5) the current litigation involving tenderers.

(6) project details.

4. the bidder may renew the application for qualification certificate and hand over it on the tender day.

5. a joint venture consisting of two or more companies should meet the following requirements:

(1) the agreement after bidding and successful bidding is legally binding on all joint ventures.

(2) the authorized signatory of all joint ventures shall sign and submit a power of attorney and nominate one of the joint venture partners as the sponsor.

(3) the joint venture sponsor is authorized to undertake the obligation to represent any one or all of the joint ventures.

The execution of the entire contract, including payment of funds, is only handled by the joint venture sponsor.

(4) all joint ventures shall be jointly responsible for the execution of the contract in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract.

This statement should be stated not only in the above power of attorney, but also in the tender and agreement (when the tender is successful).

(5) there should be a copy of the joint venture partnership agreement with the tender.

Eleventh tender costs

The bidder assumes the full cost of preparing and submitting his tender.

No matter how tender the tender is, the tenderer will not bear the cost.

Contents of twelfth tender documents

1. a set of tender documents to be issued to the tenderers can be obtained by US $($).

(1) Volume 1 tenderer's terms of reference: general terms and conditions.

(2) technical specification for rolling coil (including drawing list)

(3) volume three bidding forms and annexes; tender guarantee; construction quantity list; appendix.

(4) roll 4 drawings

2. the tender documents also include the annexes issued before the bid opening and the minutes of the meeting before the bid.

3. eligible tenderers can also purchase more copies of documents and pay no refund.

The price is as follows.

4. project contractors, producers, suppliers and others, if you want to get the tender documents, do not directly contact the a company of China. They should be obtained from qualified bidder.

5. if a document is returned without damage within the prescribed time limit, the qualification certificate fee of the bidder may be refunded either as part of the tender or otherwise.

(1) if the tender is submitted, the fee shall be returned to%;

(2) if the tender is not submitted, the documents will be returned before the deadline for submission of the tender.

6. hope that the tenderer will read the contents contained in the tender documents carefully.

The bidder shall bear the risk caused by non-compliance with the documents.

Tenders which do not meet the requirements of the documents will be rejected.

7. the bidding documents are bound together in four volumes. The bidder should carefully check whether the page is missing and whether the attachment is complete.

Interpretation of thirteenth tender documents

Potential tenderers may notify the a company in writing or telex at the following address:

(1) address: (omitted)

(2) the tenderer answers the requirements of the interpretation document in writing 28 days before the deadline for submission of tender documents.

The written reply will be circulated to all tenderers who are qualified and have obtained the tender documents.

Amendment of fourteenth tender documents

1. before submitting the tender deadline, the tenderee may issue an appendix to modify the tender documents according to his or her request or reply to the requirements of the interpretation document of the potential tenderer.

2. the appendix will be delivered by mail, telex or telegram to all eligible tenderers who hold the tender documents. These documents are binding on them. Potential tenderers should inform the tenderee appendix immediately by telex or telegram.

3. in order for the bidder to have time to consider the appendix documents when preparing the tender, the tenderee may extend the tender period according to the contract.

Fifteenth documents that form tender documents.

All contacts between tenders and tenderers and tenderers are in Chinese.

1. tenders prepared by tenderers should include the following components:

(1) tender forms and accessories

(2) tender guarantee

(3) supplementary information catalog Library

(4) qualification documents

(5) if there are any quotations available.

(6) other materials required.

2. in accordance with the provisions of the contract, the successful bidder may be asked to discuss the amendment of his plan.

Sixteenth tender price and payment

1. unless otherwise specified in the contract, the contract includes all items mentioned in Clause 1, based on the unit price and total price of the item provided by the tenderer.

2. the tax and other taxes payable by the Contractor shall be included in the unit price and the total price and the total tender price 28 days before the submission of the tender.

The tenderee should also consider this when evaluating and comparing bidding documents.

3. according to the terms of the contract, the unit price and the total price quoted by the tenderer can be adjusted during the execution of the contract.

4. the bidder shall quote the unit price and the total price in Renminbi.

Validity of the seventeenth tender

1. the tender shall remain valid and acceptable within 6 months from the end of the specific tender period.

2. under special conditions, the tenderee or his agent may ask the tenderer to extend the validity period of the tender before the validity period of the original tender is concluded.

The requirements of the tenderee and the reply of the tenderer shall be in writing or in telex or telegraph form.

The bidder may refuse such a request and will not lose his bid guarantee.

A tenderer who agrees to such a request may not alter his tender, but is required to postpone the validity of his bid guarantee.

The provisions on the return and loss of the tender guarantee in Clause 14 also apply to the extension period.

Eighteenth guarantees

1. the tenderer shall submit a RMB tender guarantee with his tender, which shall be no less than 2% of the bid price.

2. the form of tender guarantee is adopted in the form of the letter of guarantee, the letter of guarantee can also be the guarantee bond of the insurance company or the bond company of the same place.

Bank guarantee and payment guarantee must be in the form of sample included in this document, and other forms must be approved by the tenderee or his agent, a company.

The validity period of L / C, bank guarantee and tender guarantee shall be one month longer than that of the tender.

3. if the tenderer agrees to extend the validity period of the tender according to the thirteen paragraph, the validity period of the tender guarantee shall be extended to one month after the validity period of the tender.

4. any tender without the acceptable tender guarantee will be rejected by a company.

5. the tender guarantee for unsuccessful tenders will be returned as soon as possible, not later than thirty days after the validity period of the tender.

6. the successful tenderer's tender guarantee will be returned after the project is started and the performance bond is required.

7. the tender guarantee will be lost in the following circumstances:

(1) the Bidder withdraws the bid during the validity period of the tender.

(2) successful tenderers fail to sign contracts or fail to provide necessary performance bonds.

Nineteenth alternatives

1. the tenderer may provide a basic tender which fully meets the requirements of the tender documents.

In accordance with their wishes, the tenderer may also submit alternatives to the basic tender in the following items:

(1) starting loans will provide interest free loans before the start of construction projects, equivalent to 10% of the tender price.

The cost or deposit arising from the tenderer shall be calculated in accordance with Clause twenty-eight.

(2) alternatives can also be put out beyond the basic tender.

In order to take the alternatives into consideration in the bid evaluation, each plan should be accompanied by a price breakdown showing that the bidder is expected to increase or decrease the cost compared with the basic tender price submitted to the tenderee.

The basic quotation will be compared and evaluated.

Alternatives to the lowest bidder will be considered.

If the alternative is acceptable to the tenderee, it will be written into the contract.

Alternatives that are not priced or do not provide sufficient details will not be accepted.

(3) the selected technical proposal should be accompanied by the necessary information for comprehensive evaluation, including design calculations, drawings, methods and materials not covered in the original technical specification, specifications of the process, and the price list for the selection scheme and the contract price for alternatives.

(4) only those who offer additional financial, economic and technical benefits on the basis of basic offer will be considered in the bid evaluation.

Twentieth pre conference meetings

1. it is suggested that the tenderer or his official representative take part in the pre tender meeting held in the year of the year of the year of the year of the year of the people's Republic of China.

2. the conference aims at answering questions that may be raised and giving tenderers an opportunity to inspect the situation on the scene.

3. the questions raised by the tenderers in writing or by telex or telegram request to arrive at a company a week before the meeting.

4. the minutes of the meeting, including the questions raised and the texts of the replies, will be promptly provided to all eligible participants for the tender documents.

5. if the tender documents listed in Clause six 1. are modified according to the pre conference meeting, it shall be carried out by the tenderee or its agent, a, through the appendix specified in Clause eight, and not through the minutes before the bid.

The format and signature of twenty-first tender documents

1. the bidder shall prepare the original and two copies of the tender document specified in Clause ten 1., and indicate the original and the duplicate respectively.

If there are differences between the two, the original is the criterion.

2. the original and two copies of the tender shall be typed or written with ink which cannot be erased, and signed by one or more persons who are entitled to be a bidder to abide by the contract.

Together with the tender, a written power of attorney is required to certify the authorization.

Every sheet of the tender with entries and revisions should have abbreviated signatures on the signatures of the tenders.

3. a full set of tender shall not be altered or interlined. Unless the instructions of the agenda or the error of the tenderer are corrected, the abbreviated signature of the signer of the tender shall be made in such a case.

4. each bidder can submit only one tender, not including the submission of submission under Clause five.

The bidder can only cast a bid for a contract.

Sealing and marking of twenty-second tenders

1. the bidder shall load the original and two copies of the tender into one inner envelope and one outer envelope respectively, and mark the original and duplicate copies on the envelope.

2. mark

(1) both inside and outside envelopes should be marked with the address of a company.

(2) specify the following items: for the construction of contract works, the company will submit a tender for the construction contract project.

3. the name and address of the tenderer should be written on the envelope so that the bidder can be returned without opening the tender.

No information about tenderers can be found on the envelope.

4. if the envelope is not specified, the relevant matters are specified.

Once the tender is mishandled or opened in advance, a will not be held responsible for it.

The bid document opened in advance will be refused by the tenderer or his agent, a, and returned.

Twenty-third overdue tender documents

The tenders received by the a company after the deadline for submission of tenders will not be opened and will be returned to the tenderers.

Amendment and cancellation of the twenty-fourth tender

1. the tenderer may modify or cancel the tender after submission of the tender, provided that the notice of modification and withdrawal is delivered to a company before the deadline for submission of tender documents.

2. the amendment or withdrawal notice of the tenderer shall be prepared, sealed, marked and issued in accordance with the relevant provisions of the tender submission.

A notice of withdrawal can be delivered by telex or telegram, but a signed confirmation should be submitted and the date of the postmark shall not be later than the deadline for submission of tender documents.

3. according to Clause twenty-four, any tender shall not be amended after the deadline.

4. the withdrawal of bid between the deadline for submission of tenders and the expiration of the tender shall be lost in accordance with Clause fourteen.

Twenty-fifth bid opening

1. the tenderee will open the tender at the office where the tenderers present present at the office, and the representatives of the tenderers who participate in the bid opening should sign in.

2. tenders will be no longer opened in accordance with Clause twenty-one.

The tenderer or his agent will check whether the tender is complete, whether the required tender guarantee is provided, whether the document is signed and whether it is organized.

3. when opening the tender, the name of the tenderer, the tender price and the amendment, the tender guarantee, the notice of withdrawal, if any, and other matters which the tenderer or his agent considers appropriate to declare shall be announced.

4. the tenderee or his agent will prepare the opening meeting record according to his own records and submit it to the world bank as soon as possible with the bid evaluation report.

The twenty-sixth process is confidential.

1. after opening the tender, information about the examination, interpretation, evaluation and comparison of tenders, as well as proposals for awarding tenders shall not be made known to the tenderer or other persons irrelevant to the bid evaluation process before bidding to the successful bidder.

2. if the tenderer tries to exert influence on the tenderee in this process, his bid will be rejected.

Twenty-seventh interpretation of tender documents

In order to help check, evaluate and compare tender documents, the tenderee may ask the tenderer to explain the tender, including the unit price list.

The request for explanation and the corresponding answer should be in writing or by telex or telegram.

Unless the provisions of clause twenty-six provide for correction of teaching calculation errors found in tenderers' evaluation process, no price or other tender elements shall be modified.

The twenty-eighth is whether the judgement meets the requirements.

1. before the bid is evaluated in detail, the tenderee will decide whether each bid document meets the requirements of the tender documents.

2. the tender that meets the requirements is in conformity with all the conditions and specifications of the tender documents, without substantial deviation or reservation.

Substantive deviation refers to the substantive scope of the project, quality and management, or inconsistent with the tender documents, and has substantial restrictions on the tenderee's rights and tenderers' obligations in the contract.

Correcting such deviations or reservations will have an unfair impact on the competitiveness of other investors who submitted the required tender.

3. tenders who do not meet the requirements of the tender documents will refuse.

Twenty-ninth article

Correct the error

1. the tender which has been judged to be in conformity with the requirements will be checked by the tenderee whether there is any mistake in teaching calculation.

The following errors will be corrected by the tenderee:

(1) when the amount of figures is not equal to the amount indicated by the text, it is expressed in the text, unless the figure is explicitly stated in the text.

(2) when the unit price and the total price are multiplied by the unit price, the unit price quoted price shall prevail. Unless the tenderer considers the unit price to be seriously wrong, in such a case, the unit price shall be corrected if the total price is quoted.

2. the tenderer may make corrections to the amount listed in the tender book in accordance with the above procedures, and such correction shall be binding upon the tenderer if he is approved by the tenderer.

If the tenderer considers that the amount corrected will cause difficulties, he may withdraw the bid.

However, the withdrawal of the bid causes the bidder to be in danger of losing the tender guarantee.

Thirtieth evaluation and comparison bidding documents

1. tenderers only evaluate and compare tenders which are judged to meet the requirements of the tender documents.

Only the basic offer is evaluated, and the lowest bid is awarded.


2. in the bid evaluation, the tenderee determines the tender price of each tender by adjusting the quoted price below:

(1) removal of provisional fees and related provisions.

If there is a temporary fee, it should be included in the contingency schedule.

Competitive overtime costs should be included.

(2) appropriate adjustments should be made to other quantity changes, deviations or alternative quotas which have not been reflected in the tender price and the above adjustment.

(3) other tenderers believe that the potential factors affecting the execution of contracts, prices and payments will include the unbalanced and unrealistic unit price in the tender.

4. tenderee reserves the right to accept or reject any change, deviation and alternative quotation.

Changes, deviations, alternative quotes and other factors that exceed the requirements of the tender documents, or factors that will bring non interest to the tenderee, shall not be considered in the bid evaluation.

5. the price adjustment clauses applicable to the contract execution period shall not be considered in the bid evaluation.

6. if the successful bidder's quotation differs from the engineer's estimate of the actual cost of the contract project, the tenderee will ask the successful bidder to bear the cost himself and increase the performance guarantee letter, so that the tenderee can avoid the loss caused by the mistake of the successful bidder in the execution of the contract.

Thirty-first article



The tenderee reserves the following rights: accepting or rejecting any tender; cancelling tenders at any time before the award, rejecting all the tender documents, and taking no responsibility for the affected tenderers, and having no obligation to inform the tenderer of his motives for action.

Thirty-second notice of awarding

1. before the end of the tender period prescribed by the tenderee, the tenderee will notify the successful tenderer by telex or telegram (after the written confirmation of the registered letter), that his bid has been accepted by registered mail (the "acceptance certificate" in the contract terms), and the amount of the contractor that will be paid to the contractor after consideration of the factors such as construction, completion and maintenance shall be specified in the contract terms (called the "tender amount" in the contract terms).

The 2. award notice constitutes part of the contract.

3. after successful tenderers submit performance bonds, the tenderee immediately notifies other tenderers that their bid is unsuccessful.

The thirty-third is the signing of the contract.

1. within 28 days after the successful bidder is informed, the tenderee will send the agreement provided by the two tender documents, and the agreement between the two parties has been written.

2. within 28 days after receipt of the agreement, the successful bidder will sign and seal the agreement to make the agreement effective and return the two copies to the tenderee.

After signing the agreement, the tenderee will give the Contractor a copy.

Party A (Gai Zhang): Party committee (Gai Zhang)

The representative (signature): the representative (signature) of the Chinese delegation:

Address: the address of the two sides of the earth.

Zip code: zip code: Z.

Tel: Tel, TK, TK, TK, Tel, Tel:

This is the year of the year.

Place of signature: the location of the two points:

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